A raucous and personal hot take of our performed pornographic selves and a laptop that's seen too much.
Walking the line between our desires, our limits and where the replication of pornographic behaviors fail us - or we fail it.
Platonic nudes, overshared sex stories, cringe-erotica slam poetry and the leaked Perth theatre sex tape you never wanted to see.
Part game show and part confessional, this dripping mess scrapes the bottom of the barrel of porn tropes and erotic behaviours in a revealing display of what we want, when we want it, and where to find it for free.
Charlotte Otton - Writer/Performer
Andrew Sutherland - Writer/Performer
Alicia Osyka - Mentor
Jeffrey Jay Fowler - Mentor
Alexandre' Egloff - Producer/Publicist
Phoebe Pilcher - Lighting Designer
Jessie Atkins - Operator
The Blue Room Theatre (Summer Nights Program) 2020
Albany Regional Pride WA 2021
"30 DAY FREE TRIAL is a show like no other...It’s a delightfully funny and touching breakdown of performer and audience, actor and person, and social media identity." - Fourth Wall Media [Read]
"Otton and Sutherland are no mugs: they’re provocative, fearless, sexy and talented" - Seesaw Magazine [Read]